A lamb of god learns to showcase her fleshy blamelessness at church and in the dance studio. When she arrives in Berlin, the theological underpinnings, cultural norms, and formal principles that had made up her world fall away. The way this book is a memoir is meta - it performs, as in it shows the reader the means of this archetype's production. It's about one lamb's messy relationship with dance and with the god she knows from church. It's a queer awakening, without faith forsaken. It's a demonstration of how one learns to perform belief, and learns that belief is a great way to perform.
Pitch and sample chapter coming soon!
Portrait of Sheena McGrandles, commissioned by HAU (2024).
“Studio Visit with Colin Self” about Colin Self and puppets, on the occasion of Colin’s residency at Callie’s Berlin, in Berlin Art Link (2023).
“Butthole to Butthole” about Ronald Berger’s piece ANAL.IZANDO in PW-magazine (2022).
“Romantic Comedy” about the works of Liina Magnea, Onur Ağbaba, and Emil Ertl on the occasion of their performances for Dirty Debut (2020).
“Aesthetics of Disaster” about Sergiu Matis’ piece Hopeless, written as a preview in Berlin Art Link 2019.
photo by Ryan Molnar
with Nikima Jagudajev about “Basically” at mumok, published in PW Magazine (2024)
with Melanie Jame Wolf about her performance “Tonight,” published in Berlin Art Link (2019)
with Kareth Schaffer about her performance “Cassandra has Turned 2,” published in Berlin Art Link (2018)
photo by marcella Ruiz Cruz
is the title of the essay series I send out every month with the help of the newsletter platform Substack. The essays are themed around dance and devotion, but only loosely. I would be delighted if you subscribed! I've put a selection of my favorites here, for your enjoyment.
contribution to Radicalizing Care. Feminist and Queer Activism in Curating, Ed. Elke Krazny et.al. Sternberg Press. co-written with COVEN aka Lorena Juan, Kiona Hagen Niehaus, Frances Breden, Harley Aussoleil, Judy Landkammer, and myself.
Click HERE for pdf.
4.5 Sätze was a dance review collective and website. We wrote reviews that were four and a half sentences long. It was started by Astrid Kaminsky, I’ve selected a few of my favorites: Roni Katz, Claire V. Sobbotke, Julia Rodriguez, Xavier LeRoy (2018-2020).
The 4.5 group was invited to Tanzplatform in 2018 to deploy the format there, in a small print publication. Here is one I wrote about Eva Meyer-Keller, and the one I wrote about Ligia Lewis is pictured in the left-hand image.
SPREAD, online publication 2021
HEY! outsider art magazine, print, translator and editor 2018-2021
COVEN BERLIN - oh beloved! editor-in-chief from 2013-2023