Concept, performance, choreography by Louise Trueheart
Support from betOnest, COVEN BERLIN, GlogauAIR, Studio 142, Ada Studios With scores by Mette Edvardsen, David Hieblich, Martina Ruhsam, Mette Ingvardsen.
Louise Trueheart used “Everybody’s Performance Scores”, a book of instructions on how to move through time and space, as the only source of material for her new piece. With appreciation for open-source archive, and while negotiating ego and desire inside of the belief that nothing is ever new, Louise recycled material into a piece that is intended to be awesome.
Nah Dran Extended “re:dance”, curated by Lee Méir, Ada Studios, April 2017 Habait Theater, Tel Aviv, June 2017
Photos by André Lewski